Tuesday, September 14, 2010

federal court Judge LungStrums Order to Dismiss case against Guy and Carrie Neighbors

Judge LungStrums Order to Dismiss case against yellow house store owners Guy and Carrie NEighbors

Motion To Exclude witnesses By Carrie Neighbors in the yellow house Case


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

United States’ Motion for Severance Filed Pursuant to F.R.Crim.P. 14


Jessica (alleged witness to the Yellow house Case)

Jessica (an alleged witness to crimes in the Yellow house Case) makes a statement that not only were the LPD posing as FBI agents but they were threatening to charge her with a money Laundering, a crime the Lawrence Police Department officers (posing as fBI agents) had no proof that was even committed.

Strangely enough if Jessica was a suspect why was she not read her Miranda rights before being questioned ?

Jessica's Statement March 29, 2009

Change of Venue Motion For Carrie and Guy Neighbors of Lawrence Kansas


Change of Venue Motion For Carrie and Guy Neighbors of Lawrence Kansas

Carrie Neighbors and Guy Neighbors Owners of the Yellow house store in Lawrence Kansas. File for a change of Venue after presenting Solid evidence to a Federal judge back in 2008. That not only have their rights been Violated, officers from the lawrence Police department have been posing as federal FBI agents in attempt to scare alleged witnesses families into talking to them about crimes that the lawrence police Claim Carrie and Guy allegedly have committed back in 2005. All of the witnesses and witness families have repeatedly told the LPD that Carrie and guy were not conspiring to commit any crimes. The only witnesses that have agreed to testify against Carrie and Guy Have done this to avoid hefty prison sentences for other crimes they have committed which were not related to the Yellow house Case (Less)

Change of Venue Motion For Carrie and Guy Neighbors of Lawrence KAnsas