Back in 1994 the lpd claimed carrie neighbors was selling deadly weapons yet these same items were sold at the fair grounds shortly after Carries trial. How could the police cause such a big scene for a local business but when the fair comes to town they are not even asked to remove the items??
Here is a lawrence police Department officer stating "it would be extremely difficult to inflict a serious wound with the type of throwing stars confiscated during a Dec. 3 raid on the Yellow House Variety Store."
So who exactly is running the LPD and why do the police officers have such conflicting stories ?
One cop says they are Deadly weapons the other police officer who is trained in martial arts says it would be difficult to hurt someone...???
This sounds like there are a few crooked cops trying to come up fast by making up a good ol fashion witch hunt.
Now this was 1994 F.F. to 2004 and you will find its the same cops trying to take aim at the yellow house store again. These guys have a chip on their shoulders the size of Manhattan.
The big question is when will they be stopped ?
Lawrence police Lt. Ed Brunt, a tae kwon do instructor for nearly 20 years and holder of a fourth-degree black belt, said throwing stars -- or shurikens -- are tools used by ninja warriors to deceive or dissuade an attacker.
Genuine shurikens, he said, have precisely angled points and sharpened edges. He said it would be extremely difficult to inflict a serious wound with the type of throwing stars confiscated during a Dec. 3 raid on the Yellow House Variety Store.
"But can they cause damage?" he said. "Yes, it could put an eye out or cause an injury if it hit a vital area -- the face, the neck and so forth."
As you can see these stars she was selling are Dull on all sides, But apparently 1 cop @ the LPD thought these were deadly weapons.
Here is an image of a throwing star that WAS NOT sold at the Yellow house Store because it is Deadly. These were what the cop was trying to claim was being sold at the yellow house.
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